Friends of the
Cumberland Trail



Our Mission:
To preserve the protect the environmental, cultural, and historical resources of the Cumberland Trail, to provide related educational opportunities, and to support park needs.

Preservation, Volunteer work, Fund Raising

The Friends of the Cumberland Trail, Inc., are a group of volunteers who work to support the maintenance and completion and Tennessee’s 300-mile hiking trail.  We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is making history, and you can be part of it!

As volunteers, we work to raise funds, facilitate volunteer work, and preserve the ecology, history, and folklore of the Cumberland Trail.

The Cumberland Trail project has benefited from contributions of volunteer time and private donations of property and funding at historic levels. It’s the only park in the nation with its own weekly radio broadcast and a recording studio to capture the culture of the Cumberland Plateau.


Imagine a foot trail traversing the mountain tops, river gorges, meadows, and valleys of the Cumberland Plateau through eleven East Tennessee counties.

Consider the rich history, the musical heritage, the thousands of plants, trees, and creatures unique to the Cumberland Plateau, and the need to preserve, protect these resources and to educate Tennesseans and visitors, and you can begin to understand the breadth of this project.

There’s a LOT to do.

We want the Cumberland Trail to be a household name in communities throughout Tennessee – a park that is used, maintained, promoted, and cherished by its communities and visitors.

Current Board Members

Please click on the board members’ names to learn more about each one.

Chairman: Debbie Shaver
Vice Chairman: Richard Hilten
Treasurer: Stephen Bryant
Secretary: Bobby Fulcher

Peter Koczera
Jeanie Hilten
Herb Roberts
Roby Cogswell


Friends of the Cumberland Trail About Us